A Work of Heart
Being a foster parent is a difficult but reward undertaking. A good foster home can give hope to children whose childhoods have been tainted by trauma. When foster parents face legal challenges, a skilled family law attorney in Oklahoma City will fight to protect their rights.
Oklahoma places a child in a foster home with the goal of keeping the child from constantly moving between caregivers. The sign of a great foster parent is that they want what’s best for the child in their care. They will use whatever resources they have to care for this child, even though they don’t know how long they have with them.
A Foster Parent’s Rights
The Oklahoma Children’s Code includes 24 rights of foster parents. They include a right to necessary information, a right to respect, and a right to prior notice when the Department of Human Services (DHS) plans to end a foster placement.
Foster parents have the right to object to any changes in the placement of a foster child. They can request a hearing regarding changes in child placement or certification retention. When your rights are being threatened, you need a foster family attorney from Wirth Law Office – Oklahoma City on your side.
Legal Help for Foster Parents
Agencies that place children in foster care often overwork their employees. This can distort their view of a foster child’s best interests. DHS workers can’t fully understand a foster child’s situation like their foster parents can. They may only see part of the picture, or they may see it wrong.
An Oklahoma City foster family attorney can protect foster parents from false accusations, whether they’re against a parent or another child in the home. Your attorney may be able to work directly with DHS foster care agencies to settle issues instead of going to court.
When a decision by a child placement agency or DHS child protective services leads to a hearing, a knowledgeable foster family attorney can give you confidence that you and your foster child are in good hands.
Whether you want to become a certified foster family or keep your foster family certification, a foster family attorney in Oklahoma City can help you achieve this.
Consultation with an Oklahoma City Family Law Attorney

When you’re up against legal obstacles as a foster parent, you need to have an experienced foster family attorney to guide you through. The attorneys at Wirth Law Office – Oklahoma City understand the challenges that foster parents face. They can help you get what’s best for both you and the foster children in your care. For a consultation, call (405) 888-5400 or fill out the form at the top of this page.